首页> 外文期刊>Renewable energy >Numerical analysis of an urban road pavement solar collector (U-RPSC) for heat island mitigation: Impact on the urban environment

Numerical analysis of an urban road pavement solar collector (U-RPSC) for heat island mitigation: Impact on the urban environment


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The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is a phenomenon whereby urban areas become warmer than their surrounding rural areas, due to the replacement of vegetation and soil with built surfaces. The increase in urban temperatures can increase energy demand for cooling buildings, elevate emissions of air pollutants, compromise health (overheating) and cause thermal discomfort. Road Pavement Solar Collector (RPSC) system is one of the UHI mitigation strategies that absorbs heat from the road surface and converting the heat into passive thermal energy. This work aims to determine the impact of the RPSC system on the urban air temperature using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ANSYS Fluent 19.2 program. The modelling method was initially validated with a laboratory-scale RPSC system. The model was set using the weather and surface temperature data of the hot and humid city of Kuala Lumpur. The influence of the RPSC system embedment; within urban street canyons and outside of the street canyons was investigated. The study also assessed the influence of changing the urban street canyon configuration based on the length and the height of the building rows on the RPSC performance. Based on the conditions modelled and simulation results, the best performance was obtained by embedding the RPSC system within the long and deep street canyon. The results presented here also showed the potential of the RPSC system in mitigating the UHI effect during hot and calm nocturnal period. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:城市热岛(UHI)效应是一种现象,城市地区比其周围的农村地区更温暖,因为植被和土壤与建造的表面取代。城市温度的​​增加可以提高对冷却建筑的能源需求,提高空气污染物的排放,损害健康(过热)并导致热不适。道路路面太阳能收集器(RPSC)系统是从路面吸收热量并将热量转化为被动热能的UHI缓解策略之一。这项工作旨在使用计算流体动力学(CFD)ANSYS流畅的19.2程序来确定RPSC系统对城市空气温度对城市空气温度的影响。最初用实验室级RPSC系统验证了建模方法。使用吉隆坡的热和潮湿的城市的天气和表面温度数据设定了该模型。 RPSC系统嵌入的影响;在城市街道峡谷和街道峡谷之外进行了调查。该研究还评估了基于建筑行的长度和高度在RPSC性能上改变城市街道峡谷配​​置的影响。基于所建模和仿真结果的基础,通过将RPSC系统嵌入长而深街道峡谷内,获得了最佳性能。本文呈现的结果还显示了RPSC系统在炎热和平静的夜间期间减轻了UHI效应的潜力。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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