首页> 外文期刊>Regional Environmental Change >Vulnerability of Inuit food systems to food insecurity as a consequence of climate change: a case study from Igloolik, Nunavut

Vulnerability of Inuit food systems to food insecurity as a consequence of climate change: a case study from Igloolik, Nunavut


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This paper develops a conceptual model to examine the vulnerability of Inuit food systems to food insecurity as a consequence of climate change. The model illustrates that food system vulnerability is determined by the exposure and sensitivity of the food system to climate-related risks and its adaptive capacity to deal with those risks. The model is empirically applied using a case study from Igloolik, Nunavut. Specifically, the paper focuses on how extreme climate-related conditions in 2006 interacted with the food system to affect food security, using 2006 as a lens to identify and characterize some of the processes and conditions shaping vulnerability, and establishing a baseline for identifying and characterizing processes that are likely to shape future vulnerability. There is a high level of adaptive capacity among Igloolik Inuit, with food sharing mechanisms, hunting flexibility, and store-food access moderating the impact of climatic-risks on food security. However, high fuel and commodity prices, the increasing economic burden of adapting to back-to-back years with unfavorable climatic conditions, underlying community vulnerabilities, and the nature to the climate extremes in 2006, overwhelmed the adaptive capacity of many community members. Those dependent on traditional foods and having limited access to financial resources were particularly vulnerable.
机译:本文建立了一个概念模型来研究因纽特人的粮食系统由于气候变化而对粮食不安全的脆弱性。该模型说明,粮食系统的脆弱性取决于粮食系统对与气候有关的风险的暴露程度和敏感性以及应对这些风险的适应能力。该模型是使用来自Nunavut的Igloolik的案例研究进行经验应用的。具体而言,本文着重于2006年与气候相关的极端条件如何与粮食系统相互作用以影响粮食安全,以2006年为视角来识别和表征影响脆弱性的某些过程和条件,并为识别和表征建立基线。可能会影响未来漏洞的过程。 Igloolik因纽特人之间具有高度的适应能力,其食物共享机制,狩猎灵活性和储藏食物的获取减少了气候风险对粮食安全的影响。但是,高昂的燃料和商品价格,适应不利气候条件的背靠背年份的日益增加的经济负担,潜在的社区脆弱性以及2006年极端气候的性质,淹没了许多社区成员的适应能力。那些依赖传统食品且资金来源有限的人特别脆弱。



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