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Black Literature Criticism: Classic and Emerging Authors since 1950


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Black Literature Criticism: Classic and Emerging Authors since 1950 complements two earlier publications from Gale in this subject area: Black Literature Criticism (1992) and its Supplement (1999). In the work reviewed here, eighty major black writers of the past fifty years are featured, 48 of them entirely new and not featured in the previous volumes. (Entries for those writers featured in the earlier volumes and selected here have been updated and fresh critical texts added.) The authors featured span several genres and represent many nations, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Barbados, Zimbabwe, Haiti, South Africa, Kenya, Guyana, Algeria, and almost half (38), the USA. There are two British authors featured: Benjamin Zephaniah and Fred D'Aguiar. It should be noted, however, that many of the authors grew to prominence in countries not of their birth.
机译:《黑人文学评论:自1950年以来的经典和新兴作者》是Gale在该领域的两个早期出版物的补充:《黑人文学评论》(1992)及其增刊(1999)。在这里回顾的作品中,精选了过去五十年的八十位主要黑人作家,其中有48位是全新的,而不是以前的作品。 (已更新并在此处选择的那些作家的条目已更新,并添加了新的重要文章。)作者的作品跨越多种类型,代表许多国家,包括尼日利亚,加纳,塞内加尔,巴巴多斯,津巴布韦,海地,南非,肯尼亚,圭亚那,阿尔及利亚和近一半(38)美国。有两位英国作家的作品:本杰明·西番雅和弗雷德·达吉亚。但是,应该指出的是,许多作者在并非其出生地的国家中变得越来越重要。



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