首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of the History of Sport >Black Males in the Stadium: All 'Bad Niggers'? French Literature, Sport and Masculinity from the 1920s to the 1950s

Black Males in the Stadium: All 'Bad Niggers'? French Literature, Sport and Masculinity from the 1920s to the 1950s

机译:体育场内的黑人男性:都是“坏黑人”吗? 1920年代至1950年代的法国文学,体育和阳刚之气

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In the first part of the twentieth century, 'sports literature' presented a new form of heroism departing from the traditional models of masculinity. The novels examined the stadiums, the boxing rings or the velodromes and noticed the existence of coloured sportsmen. Black boxers and athletes were considered as original models of manliness competing with the hegemonic masculinity, hitherto written in 'white'. This essay intends to explore the French 'sports novels' published in the first part of the twentieth century. Relying on the history of masculinities and of gender, and on the methodological reflection of 'race studies', it examines the meeting between Black identity and athletic masculinity in literature. Thus this articles aims at showing how, through a series of stylistic, narrative and semiotic processes, the fiction essentialized the difference. Both fascinated and scared, the novels stigmatized Black sportsmen and endeavoured to analyse the alterity.



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