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The Routledge Dictionary of Cultural References in Modern French


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Every language has its cultural references, which are immediately familiar to native speakers, but which escape learners of the language. Even after years of learning, one can know what the words mean, but not their connotations. In French "Hussards noirs" means literally "black hussars" but, thanks to a quotation from the writer Charles Peguy, has become a common reference to primary school teachers. This fascinating dictionary has over 3,000 such references, with an indicator of how frequently they are used, and divided into fifteen chapters, which is perhaps a little unusual for a volume describing itself as a dictionary, since dictionaries are normally in one sequence. The references have been culled from three and a half years' analysis of the most popular national newspapers and magazines.
机译:每种语言都有其文化参考,这些语言对于母语使用者来说是立即熟悉的,但却使该语言的学习者逃脱了。即使经过多年的学习,人们也可以知道单词的含义,但不能理解它们的含义。在法语中,“轻骑兵黑色”的字面意思是“黑轻骑兵”,但是,由于作家查尔斯·佩吉(Charles Peguy)的引用,它已成为小学教师的常用提法。这本引人入胜的词典中有3,000多种此类参考文献,并标明了它们的使用频率,并分为15章,这对于描述其自身为词典的书来说也许有点不寻常,因为字典通常是按顺序排列的。这些参考文献是根据对最受欢迎的国家报纸和杂志进行了三年半的分析得出的。



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