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A Companion to the French Revolution


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As the blurb says, the French Revolution is one of the great turning-points in modern history. But even that statement is something of a misconception in so far as it implies that the Revolution was a single event. Of course, there is one event inevitably linked to it, the fall of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. But there then followed ten years of dramatic events, including the executions of a king and queen, wars internal and external, the Terror, the White Terror, political changes with four constitutions, and finally Napoleon's coup d'etat in 1799. Hardly any aspect of these ten years is uncontroversial and not been picked over by historians.
机译:就像众说纷says的那样,法国大革命是现代历史上的重大转折之一。但是就算暗示革命是一个单一事件,即使是这样的说法也是一种误解。当然,不可避免地会发生一个事件,就是1789年7月14日巴士底狱的倒台。但是随后发生了十年的戏剧性事件,包括国王和王后的处决,内部和外部的战争,恐怖, 《白色恐怖》,四部宪法的政治变动,最后是1799年拿破仑的政变。这十年间几乎没有争议,历史学家也不会接受。



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