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Anti-TSH Receptor Antibodies in the Congolese with Hyperthyroidism


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Hospital prevalence of hyperthyroidism is gradually increasing in urban population of Kinshasa. However, the reasons of this increase are not well known. Objective of this study to search the presence of anti-TSH receptor antibodies in Kinshasa's inhabitants, to identify potential candidates to the Graves' disease and to follow up hyperthyroid patients treated by anti-thyroid drugs. For this, 53 hyperthyroid patients (cases) and 44 euthyroid goiter patients (controls) were included in this study; and 20 healthy free-goiter subjects serums were measured to obtain local references. Thyrotropinbinding inhibiting immunoglobulin assay (TBII) method was used to measure the anti-TSH receptor activity in the serum. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify significant risk factors and their prognostic values. A p. value of 0.05 was considered significative. It shows the prevalence of anti-TSH receptor antibodies in hyperthyroid patients is 94.3%, whereas it is 72.7% in controls; the presence of anti-TSH receptor antibodies multiplies by 4 the risk to hyperthyroidism, especially in the stressed females; and the concentrations of anti-TSH receptor antibodies are higher in hyperthyroid subjects than in controls (p = 0.025); 4) High sensitivity of the dosage (VPN = 99.9%) allows to separate non hyperthyroid persons or those with an non auto-immunological goiter, from the hyperthyroid patients. The present study showed a likely autoimmune origin of hyperthyroidism in urban population of Kinshasa; 2). The presence of anti- TSH receptor antibodies would suggest that the main cause of hyperthyroidism in hyperthyroid patients is Graves' disease, whereas their presence in patients with euthyroid goiter should suggest that they could be potential candidates to Graves' disease. This article also discussed some recent patent related to this field.
机译:在金沙萨市区,甲状腺功能亢进症的医院患病率正在逐渐增加。但是,这种增加的原因尚不清楚。这项研究的目的是寻找金沙萨居民中抗TSH受体抗体的存在,以识别出格雷夫斯病的潜在候选人,并跟踪接受抗甲状腺药物治疗的甲状腺功能亢进患者。为此,本研究包括53例甲状腺功能亢进患者(病例)和44例甲状腺功能正常甲状腺肿患者(对照组)。测量20例健康的自由行受试者血清以获得当地参考。促甲状腺激素结合抑制免疫球蛋白测定法(TBII)用于测定血清中的抗TSH受体活性。多元逻辑回归分析用于确定重要的危险因素及其预后价值。一个0.05的值被认为是有意义的。结果表明,甲状腺功能亢进患者中抗TSH受体抗体的患病率为94.3%,而对照者为72.7%。抗TSH受体抗体的存在使甲亢的风险增加了4倍,尤其是在压力很大的女性中;甲状腺功能亢进患者的抗TSH受体抗体浓度高于对照组(p = 0.025); 4)剂量的高敏感性(VPN = 99.9%)可将非甲状腺功能亢进的患者或非自身免疫性甲状腺肿的患者与甲状腺功能亢进的患者区分开。本研究表明,金沙萨城市人口中甲亢可能是自身免疫起源。 2)。抗TSH受体抗体的存在表明甲状腺功能亢进症患者甲状腺功能亢进的主要原因是Graves病,而在甲状腺功能正常甲状腺肿患者中的存在则表明它们可能是Graves病的潜在候选者。本文还讨论了与此领域相关的一些最新专利。



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