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NRC holds magical meeting in Florida


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The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association kicked off 2004 with expert speakers, technical exhibits and plenty of Florida sunshine at its annual conference, this year held January 2-6 at the Walt Disney World Swan Hotel in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Larry Laurello, Delta Railroad Construction, Inc., outgoing NRC chairman, and his successor, Rick Ebersold, Herzog Services Inc., delivered the State of the NRC speech to get things rolling. Laurello mentioned the first auction for NRC members to buy or sell equipment, which will be held March 31 in Pittsburgh. While only member companies will be allowed to sell, anyone can buy.
机译:美国国家铁路建设与维修协会于1月2日至6日在佛罗里达州布埃纳维斯塔湖的沃尔特迪斯尼世界天鹅酒店举行的年度会议上,由专业演讲者,技术展览会和佛罗里达州充足的阳光拉开了2004年的序幕。即将卸任的NRC主席的Delta Railroad Construction,Inc.及其继任者Herzog Services Inc.的Rick Ebersold发表了NRC致辞,以推动事情的发展。劳雷洛提到3月31日在匹兹堡举行的第一次NRC成员购买或出售设备的拍卖。虽然只允许成员公司出售,但任何人都可以购买。



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