首页> 外文期刊>Radiation Protection Dosimetry >Extremity Ring Dosimetry Intercomparison In Reference And Workplace Fields

Extremity Ring Dosimetry Intercomparison In Reference And Workplace Fields


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An intercomparison of ring dosemeters has been organised with the aim of assessing the technical capabilities of available extremity dosemeters and focusing on their performance at clinical workplaces with potentially high extremity doses. Twenty-four services from 16 countries participated in the intercomparison. The dosemeters were exposed to reference photon (~(137)Cs) and beta (~(147)Pm, ~(85)Kr and ~(90)Sr/~(90)Y) fields together with fields representing realistic exposure situations in interventional radiology (direct and scattered radiation) and nuclear medicine (~(99m)Tc and ~(18)F). It has been found that most dosemeters provided satisfactory measurements of H_p(0.07) for photon radiation, both in reference and realistic fields. However, only four dosemeters fulfilled the established requirements for all radiation qualities. The main difficulties were found for the measurement of low-energy beta radiation. Finally, the results also showed a general under-response of detectors to ~(18)F, which was attributed to the difficulties of the dosimetric systems to measure the positron contribution to the dose.
机译:已经组织了环形剂量计的比对,其目的是评估可用的四肢剂量计的技术能力,并着重于其在可能具有高四肢剂量的临床工作场所中的性能。来自16个国家的24个服务机构参加了比对。剂量计暴露于参考光子(〜(137)Cs)和beta(〜(147)Pm,〜(85)Kr和〜(90)Sr /〜(90)Y)场以及代表实际暴露情况的场介入放射学(直接和散射辐射)和核医学(〜(99m)Tc和〜(18)F)。已经发现,在参考场和现实场中,大多数剂量计都为光子辐射提供了令人满意的H_p(0.07)测量。但是,只有四个剂量计满足所有辐射质量的既定要求。发现测量低能β辐射的主要困难。最后,结果还表明,探测器对〜(18)F的响应总体欠佳,这归因于剂量学系统难以测量正电子对剂量的贡献。



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