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Auditing mammographic dose and image quality in the UK breast screening programme


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A national audit of image quality and dose has been conducted across 267 mammography X rya sets in the UK Breast Screening Programme, repeating a previous survey in 1991. The main parameters were film density, film contrast, mean Glandular dose to the standard breast (MGD) and image quality (IQ) measured with a TOR(MAM) test object. Film density has Increased from a mean of 1.33 in 1991 to a mean of 1.61 in 1996 as a result of national guidelines. Over the same period the Average MGD has increased form 1.28 to 1.36 mGy. Average film gradient ranged form 2.2 to 3.9 with a mean of 3.2. IQ ranged From 48 to 86 with a mean of 69. Causes of reduced IQ were low film densities, medium screens and older designs of mammo- Graphy X ray set. Although film density and MGD were generally satisfactory, there apears to be room for further optimisation Of film contrast and IQ.
机译:在英国乳房筛查计划中,已经对267台X线乳腺X rya成像设备进行了图像质量和剂量的国家审核,重复了1991年的先前调查。主要参数是胶片密度,胶片对比度,标准乳腺对标准乳房的平均剂量(MGD) )和使用TOR(MAM)测试对象测得的图像质量(IQ)。由于国家的指导方针,胶片的密度从1991年的平均1.33增加到1996年的平均1.61。在同一时期,平均MGD已从1.28 mGy增加到1.36 mGy。平均膜梯度范围为2.2至3.9,平均值为3.2。智商从48到86不等,平均为69。智商降低的原因是胶片密度低,屏幕中等和乳房X射线X线摄影机的设计较旧。尽管胶片的密度和MGD通常令人满意,但仍存在进一步优化胶片对比度和IQ的空间。



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