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The Editor has just prodded me into action, requesting that I furnish him with my December column by 'last week' - which is normal and one gets used to it, but it came as a timely reminder that the year is all but played out! Presently I am extremely busy with the organisation of my clubs annual 'Bring and Fly' - a fly for fun meeting that the Lleyn MAC have been putting on for the past two decades. Well this is September and the sun is still shining sufficiently often to make flying a possibility, but that's not going to be the case in another month and by the time you read this the days will be short and the opportunities rather less for our particular needs. Now is the time then for servicing and maintenance if you are not likely to be flying your models soon or often. You really do need to put your house in order and lay those valuable engines up for the winter so how best to do it coming right up!
机译:编辑器刚刚劝我采取行动,要求我在“上周”之前为他提供12月专栏-这是正常现象,人们已经习惯了,但及时提醒我们这一年几乎完蛋了!目前,我对俱乐部年度“ Bring and Fly”的组织工作非常忙,这是莱琳·MAC在过去二十年来一直在进行的一次有趣的聚会。好吧,这是九月,太阳仍然足够频繁地发光以使有可能飞行,但是在另一个月中就不会如此了,到您读这篇文章时,日子将会很短,而满足我们特殊需求的机会就更少了。如果您不太可能很快或经常运行模型,现在是时候进行维修和保养了。您确实确实需要整理房屋,并为冬季过冬准备那些有价值的引擎,所以如何最好地将它做好!



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