首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Journal of Medicine >Decreased axial and peripheral bone density in patients taking long-term warfarin

Decreased axial and peripheral bone density in patients taking long-term warfarin


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Impaired vitamin K metabolism is associated with under-carboxylation of the non-collagenous bone-matrix protein osteocalcin, which is required in its fully carboxylated state for normal bone formation. Post-menopausal women have under-carboxylation of osteocalcin which increases with age and is marked in the elderly. A similarly marked degree of impaired carboxylation occurs during coumarin therapy, and a key question is whether this may lead to accelerated loss of bone mass which is clinically important. We measured axial and peripheral bone mineral density (BMD) in 40 male patients on warfarin and 40 controls individually matched for age, disease and other drug therapy. A consistent trend for reduced BMD at all sites was observed in the warfarin-treated patients. This was particularly marked in the cancellous bone at the distal radius (9% reduction, p=0.023) and at the cancellous rich lumbar spine site (10.4% reduction, p < 0.004). No significant relationship was observed between warfarin dose, International Normalized Ratio (INR) or duration of therapy and bone density. Because of the biochemical similarity, this study provides a new lead on post-menopausal osteoporosis, and supports the hypothesis that impaired carboxylation of osteocalcin plays a role in the pathogenesis of bone loss in the elderly through deficiency in vitamin K metabolism.
机译:维生素K代谢受损与非胶原骨基质蛋白骨钙素的羧化不足有关,后者在正常骨骼形成过程中必须处于完全羧化状态。绝经后妇女的骨钙素羧化不足,随着年龄的增长而增加,老年人尤为明显。在香豆素治疗期间,羧基化程度受损的情况也有类似的显着程度,一个关键的问题是,这是否可能导致骨量加速流失,这在临床上很重要。我们测量了40名华法林男性患者和40名对照患者的轴向和外周骨矿物质密度(BMD),这些患者分别根据年龄,疾病和其他药物疗法进行匹配。在华法林治疗的患者中,观察到所有部位骨密度降低的趋势一致。这在远端radius骨的松质骨(减少9%,p = 0.023)和富含松质的腰椎部位(减少10.4%,p <0.004)处尤为明显。在华法林剂量,国际标准化比率(INR)或治疗持续时间与骨密度之间未观察到显着关系。由于生物化学的相似性,这项研究为绝经后骨质疏松症提供了新的线索,并支持了骨钙蛋白羧化受损在老年人由于维生素K代谢不足而导致骨质流失的发病机理中起作用的假说。



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