首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research >A preliminary investigation into networking activities within the university incubator

A preliminary investigation into networking activities within the university incubator


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Purpose – Research to date has identified incubator units as an effective mechanism for supporting the growth and development of small entrepreneurial firms. Advantages are gained not only from the provision of appropriate facilities and external managerial expertise on site, but also from the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial networks facilitated by the spatial proximity of incubator firms. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of context, in other words the degree to which the networking opportunities provided by the university incubator support the small firm in its pursuit of sustainability and growth. Design/methodology/approach – Empirical evidence is presented from six in-depth, longitudinal case studies of entrepreneurial firms based within a university incubator located within the United Kingdom. The interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed and then analysed through the NUD*IST software package. Findings – The current research highlights the specific role of the university context in networking activities, and in particular, the development of particular types of networks, namely, social and business. Having identified the role of the university in facilitating such networks, future research needs to consider how proximity and tacit knowledge establishes the trust which underpins successful networking. However, this paper has also revealed some disadvantages of university incubator placement worthy of further consideration and research, namely, how proximity between firms is seen as a threat to intellectual property rights and also, how the image of the academic might be seen as a disadvantage within the business community. Originality/value – This paper adds to existing literature through an exploration of the manner in which firm proximity within a university incubator impacts upon networking opportunities for new entrepreneurial firms.
机译:目的–迄今为止的研究已将孵化器部门确定为支持小型创业公司成长和发展的有效机制。优势不仅得益于现场提供适当的设施和外部管理专业知识,还得益于孵化器公司在空间上的便利,有机会发展创业网络。因此,本文的目的是研究环境的影响,换句话说,是由大学孵化器提供的联网机会在一定程度上支持小企业追求可持续性和增长。设计/方法论/方法–来自位于英国的大学孵化器中的六个深度,纵向案例研究提供了经验证据,这些案例是基于企业家孵化器的。对访谈进行录音和转录,然后通过NUD * IST软件包进行分析。调查结果–当前的研究强调了大学环境在网络活动中的特定作用,特别是社会和商业等特定类型网络的发展。在确定了大学在促进此类网络中的作用后,未来的研究需要考虑邻近性和隐性知识如何建立信任,这是成功建立网络的基础。但是,本文还揭示了大学孵化器放置的一些缺点,值得进一步研究和研究,即如何将企业之间的距离视为对知识产权的威胁,以及如何将学术形象视为不利因素。在商业社区中。独创性/价值–本文通过探讨大学孵化器中公司之间的距离对新创业公司的人际关系产生影响的方式,为现有文献增色不少。



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