首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Bioactive alkaloids of frog skin: Combinatorial bioprospecting reveals that pumiliotoxins have an arthropod source

Bioactive alkaloids of frog skin: Combinatorial bioprospecting reveals that pumiliotoxins have an arthropod source


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Nearly 500 alkaloids have been detected in skin extracts from frogs of the family Dendrobatidae. All seem to have been sequestered unchanged into skin glands from alkaloid-containing arthropods. Ants, beetles, and millipedes seem to be the source of decahydroquinolines, certain izidines, coccinellines, and spiropyrrolizidine oximes. But the dietary source for a major group of frog-skin alkaloids, namely the pumiliotoxins (PTXs), alloPTXs, and homoPTXs, remained a mystery. In hopes of revealing an arthropod source for the PTX group, small arthropods were collected from eight different sites on a Panamanian island, where the dendrobatid frog (Dendrobates pumilio) was known to contain high levels of two PTXs. The mixed arthropod collections from several sites, each representing up to 20 arthropod taxa, contained PTX 307A and/or alloPTX 323B. In addition, the mixed arthropod collections from several sites contained a 5,8-disubstituted indolizidine (205A or 235B), representing another class of alkaloids previously unknown from an arthropod. An ant alkaloid, decahy-droquinoline 195A, was detected in the mixed arthropod collections from several sites. Thus, "combinatorial bioprospecting" demonstrates that further collection and analysis of individual taxa of leaf-litter arthropods should reveal the taxa from which PTXs, alloPTXs, and 5,8-disubstituted indolizidines are derived.
机译:在Dendrobatidae蛙的皮肤提取物中已检测到近500种生物碱。似乎所有这些都未发生改变,被含生物碱的节肢动物隔离到皮肤腺体中。蚂蚁,甲虫和千足虫似乎是十氢喹啉,某些联苯胺,球菌碱和螺吡咯烷肟的来源。但是,主要的蛙皮生物碱的饮食来源仍然是一个谜,它的意思是pumiliotoxins(PTXs),alloPTXs和homoPTXs。为了揭示PTX组的节肢动物来源,从巴拿马岛上的八个不同地点采集了小型节肢动物,其中已知树突蛙(Dendrobates pumilio)含有高含量的两种PTX。来自多个站点的混合节肢动物集合,每个站点最多代表20个节肢动物类群,其中包含PTX 307A和/或alloPTX 323B。另外,来自几个部位的混合节肢动物集合包含5,8-二取代的吲哚并立定(205A或235B),代表了节肢动物以前未知的另一类生物碱。在几个地点的混合节肢动物集合中检测到一种蚂蚁生物碱,十氢喹啉195A。因此,“组合生物勘察”表明,对凋落叶节肢动物的单个分类群的进一步收集和分析应揭示出PTX,alloPTX和5,8-二取代的吲哚并立核苷的分类群。



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