首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Scavenger endothelial cells of vertebrates: A nonperipheral leukocyte system for high- capacity elimination of waste macromolecules

Scavenger endothelial cells of vertebrates: A nonperipheral leukocyte system for high- capacity elimination of waste macromolecules


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Studies over the last two decades have shown that mammalian nonmacrophagic liver endothelial cells clear the blood from nu- merous physiological and foreign waste macromolecules, such as polysaccharides and proteins released during extracellular matrix turnover, intracellular macromolecules, modified serum proteins, and bacterial and fungal proteins [Smedsrod, B., Pertoft, H., Gustafson, S. & Laurent, T. C. (1990) Biochem. J. 266, 313-327]. These macromolecules are released daily in gram-amounts in a normal human body and are effectively taken up and degraded by the liver endothelial cells.
机译:最近二十年的研究表明,哺乳动物的非巨噬细胞性肝内皮细胞清除了许多生理和外来废物大分子的血液,例如细胞外基质更新过程中释放的多糖和蛋白,细胞内大分子,修饰的血清蛋白以及细菌和真菌蛋白[Smedsrod,B.,Pertoft,H.,Gustafson,S.&Laurent,TC(1990)生物化学。 J. 266,313-327]。这些大分子每天在正常人体中以克量释放,并被肝内皮细胞有效吸收和降解。



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