首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Human-induced dwarfing of Himalayan snow lotus, Saussurea laniceps (Asteraceae)

Human-induced dwarfing of Himalayan snow lotus, Saussurea laniceps (Asteraceae)


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Because evolutionary processes such as genetic drift and natural selection play a crucial role in determining the response that species will have to human-induced disturbances, there is increasing interest in the evolutionary aspects of conservation biology. Harvesting select individuals in natural plant populations can bring about unforeseen impacts that may negatively affect fitness. We analyzed how human harvesting affects two congeners known as snow lotus. Over a period of 100 years, there was a negative trend in plant height (r~2 = 0.4361, P < 0.001) for the intensely collected and rare species, Saussurea laniceps, but not in the less intensely collected species, Saussurea medusa. Additionally, S. laniceps were significantly smaller in areas of high harvest than in areas with low harvest (2 = 4.91, P < 0.0001), but this was not so for S. medusa. Humans can unconsciously drive evolution and must be considered when managing threatened species.
机译:由于诸如遗传漂移和自然选择之类的进化过程在决定物种对人为干扰的反应中起着至关重要的作用,因此人们越来越关注保护生物学的进化方面。在天然植物种群中收获精选的个体可能带来无法预料的影响,可能会对适应性产生负面影响。我们分析了人类的收获如何影响两个被称为雪莲的同类。在100年的时间里,密集采集和稀有物种雪莲(Saussurea laniceps)的株高呈负趋势(r〜2 = 0.4361,P <0.001),而采集强度较低的物种雪莲(Sussurea medusa)则没有。此外,丰收地区的镰刀菌明显少于收成较低的地区的镰刀菌(2 = 4.91,P <0.0001),但对水产链霉菌而言并非如此。人类可以在不知不觉中推动进化,在管理受威胁物种时必须考虑到这一点。



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