首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Getting specificity from simplicity in putative proteins from the prebiotic Earth

Getting specificity from simplicity in putative proteins from the prebiotic Earth


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Can unique protein structures arise from a limited set of amino acids present on the prebiotic Earth? To address this question, we have determined the stability and structure of KIA7, a 20-residue polypeptide containing chiefly Lys, He, and Ala. NMR methods reveal that KIA7 tetramerizes and folds on the millisecond time scale to adopt a four-helix X-bundle structure with a tightly and specifically packed core. Denaturation studies and hydrogen exchange measurements of K1A7 and several variants demonstrate that ridges-into-grooves packing of Ala and Ile side chains and the packing of a C-terminal aromatic group into the hydrophobic core are sufficient to give rise to a rather stable, well folded protein structure, with no favorable electrostatic interactions or tertiary or quaternary hydrogen bonds. Both modern proteins and RNAs can adopt specific structures, but RNAs do so with a limited "alphabet" of residues and types of stabilizing interactions. The results reported here show that specific, well folded protein structures can also arise from a highly reduced set of stabilizing interactions and amino acids that are thought to have been present on the prebiotic Earth.
机译:益生元地球上存在的氨基酸数量有限,能否形成独特的蛋白质结构?为了解决这个问题,我们确定了KIA7(一种主要包含Lys,He和Ala的20个残基的多肽)的稳定性和结构。NMR方法表明,KIA7在毫秒时间尺度上四聚并折叠,从而采用四螺旋X-捆扎结构,并带有紧密紧密包装的芯子。 K1A7及其几个变体的变性研究和氢交换测量结果表明,Ala和Ile侧链的脊入槽堆积和C端芳香基团在疏水核中的堆积足以产生相当稳定,良好的折叠的蛋白质结构,没有有利的静电相互作用或叔或季氢键。现代蛋白质和RNA都可以采用特定的结构,但是RNA只能采用有限的残基“字母”和稳定相互作用的类型。此处报道的结果表明,特定的,折叠良好的蛋白质结构也可能源于被认为存在于益生元地球上的稳定化相互作用和氨基酸的高度减少。



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