
Of light and mouse embryos: Less is more


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Although light is essential for life on this planet, Hamlet's sun pun, "Not so, my lord, Ⅰ am too much in the sun" (Hamlet, Act I, Scene 2, line 68), points to the detrimental effects of light on cells by means of light's ability to generate DNA damage by promoting thymidine-dimer formation as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids. Such damage can lead to premature cell death or cancer. The small number of cells of the early developing embryo makes it particularly vulnerable to light-induced damage. In lower species, such as marine organisms that develop at or near the water's surface, mechanisms have evolved to protect the developing embryo from light, in particular high-energy UV radiation. These mechanisms typically entail the egg's producing UV-absorbing compounds (1). The work reported by Takenaka et al. (2) in a recent issue of PNAS describes the effect of light on mouse zygotes.
机译:尽管光是地球上生命必不可少的东西,但哈姆雷特的太阳双关语“不是,我的主,我在太阳下太多了”(哈姆雷特,第一幕,场景2,第68行)指出了光对太阳的有害影响。通过促进胸腺嘧啶二聚体的形成以及可破坏DNA,蛋白质和脂质的活性氧(ROS)来产生DNA损伤的能力。这样的损害会导致细胞过早死亡或癌症。早期胚胎的细胞数量很少,因此特别容易受到光诱导的损害。在低等物种中,例如在水面或其附近发育的海洋生物,已经进化出机制来保护发育中的胚胎免受光,特别是高能紫外线辐射的影响。这些机制通常需要鸡蛋产生紫外线吸收化合物(1)。 Takenaka等人报道的工作。 (2)在最新一期的PNAS中描述了光对小鼠受精卵的作用。



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