首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers >Risk assessment in mission planning of uninhabited aerial vehicles

Risk assessment in mission planning of uninhabited aerial vehicles


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A procedure for evaluating the risk related to the use of unmanned aerial systems over populated areas is proposed. A nominal trajectory, planned for performing a given mission, is represented by means of motion primitives, that is segments and arcs flown in a steady-state condition. The risk of hitting a person on the ground after catastrophic failure is evaluated as a function of vehicle reliability and population density (assumed known), and position of the impact point (which depends on initial conditions at the time of failure and trajectory flown afterwards). In the deterministic case, a lethal area is introduced and the risk at each point on the ground is proportional to the amount of time spent by the point inside the lethal area. Under the assumptions of a ballistic fall, the position of the lethal area with respect to the nominal trajectory depends only on altitude and velocity at the time of failure. When the effect of navigation errors is introduced, impact points are described by a statistical impact footprint, assuming that position and velocity errors at time of failure are normally distributed with known standard deviations. The two approaches are compared for a fictitious, yet realistic, mission scenario.
机译:提出了一种评估与在人口稠密地区使用无人航空系统有关的风险的程序。计划执行给定任务的名义轨迹通过运动原语表示,即在稳态条件下飞行的弧段和圆弧。根据车辆可靠性和人口密度(假设已知)以及撞击点的位置(取决于故障发生时的初始条件和随后飞行的轨迹)来评估发生灾难性故障后在地面上撞人的风险。 。在确定性情况下,将引入一个致命区域,地面上每个点的风险与该点在该致命区域内所花费的时间成正比。在弹道坠落的假设下,致命区域相对于标称轨迹的位置仅取决于故障发生时的高度和速度。引入导航误差的影响时,假设统计点处的故障时位置和速度误差均以已知的标准偏差正态分布,则通过统计影响足迹来描述影响点。将这两种方法进行了比较,得出了一个虚拟但现实的任务方案。



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