
Reducing rural isolation: a tale of two bridges


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Worldwide, more than one billion rural residents do not have all-weather access to markets, schools, healthcare and other facilities, a condition which significantly impedes economic development. In the developing world, where walking is the primary form of transportation, footbridges can provide safe year-round access to these critical facilities by eliminating weather-induced obstructions in the transportation network caused by flooded rivers. This paper presents case studies of two footbridges constructed with non-profit organisation 'Bridges to Prosperity'. The 81 m long Rio Abajo footbridge in Nicaragua and the 51 m long Gaseke footbridge in Rwanda were constructed with industry partners from North America and the UK. The importance of engaging with the beneficiary communities when working on humanitarian engineering projects was evident during the construction of both footbridges. The significant local involvement in the construction of both footbridges will help to ensure the long-term sustainability of the infrastructure projects.
机译:在世界范围内,超过十亿的农村居民没有全天候进入市场,学校,医疗保健和其他设施,这严重阻碍了经济发展。在发展中国家,步行是主要交通方式,人行天桥可以消除因洪水造成的交通网络中因天气引起的障碍,因此全年均可安全使用这些关键设施。本文介绍了由非营利组织“繁荣之桥”建造的两条行人天桥的案例研究。尼加拉瓜的81 m长的Rio Abajo人行天桥和卢旺达的51 m长的Gaseke人行天桥是由北美和英国的行业合作伙伴建造的。在两条人行天桥的建设过程中,与受益人共同参与人道主义工程项目的重要性显而易见。当地大量参与两个人行天桥的建设将有助于确保基础设施项目的长期可持续性。



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