首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Chemical Sciences >Role of acidity on the electrochemistry of Prussian Blue at plain and Nation film-coated electrodes

Role of acidity on the electrochemistry of Prussian Blue at plain and Nation film-coated electrodes


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Prussian Blue (PB) coated on plain platinum (Pt) shows a redox wave at 0.44 V vs SCE in addition to the two usual redox waves at 082 and 012V vs SCE when the electrodes were dipped in acidic KC1 solution. PB incorporated into Nafion film-coated on Ptelectrode exhibited the same behaviour even in the presence of neutral KC1 solution. In acidic KC1, the additional redox wave observed for PB incorporated into Nafion film shifted positively to 0.39 V vs SCE and the peak separation was reduced to 30 mV.The observed additional redox wave for PB coated on plain Pt electrode and incorporated into Nafion film-coated Pt electrodes was assigned to the partial reduction of PB occurring due to the insertion of protons into the film. The effect of various cations on the electrochemistry of PB incorporated into Nafion film-coated electrode was also studied.
机译:当将电极浸入酸性KC1溶液中时,涂在普通铂(Pt)上的普鲁士蓝(PB)在0.44 V vs. SCE下显示出氧化还原波,此外在082和012V vs. SCE下显示出两种常见的氧化还原波。即使存在中性KCl溶液,掺入涂在Pt电极上的Nafion膜中的PB也表现出相同的行为。在酸性KC1中,观察到的与Nafion膜结合的PB的额外氧化还原波相对于SCE正移至0.39 V,峰分离度降低至30 mV。对于在普通Pt电极上涂覆并结合至Nafion膜的PB观察到的额外氧化还原波-将涂覆的Pt电极归因于由于质子插入薄膜而导致的PB部分还原。还研究了各种阳离子对掺入Nafion膜电极中PB的电化学的影响。



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