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The Challenges of 'Glocal'

机译:“ Glocal”的挑战

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The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be." Paul Valery's statement rings as true today as it did when the influential French poet first proclaimed it, early in the 20th century. And it perhaps resonates loudest when applied to the electronics industry. Our ever-changing industry, said to have boasted in the 1940s that computers might one day weigh less than two tons, has come a long way. The technological gadgets that could be seen only in the mind's eye 30 years ago and experienced only by a cartoon family known as the Jet-sons now exist outside the world of animation. And riding right along on the wave of change are the many industry trade associations.
机译:当今时代的麻烦在于,未来已不再是过去。”保罗·瓦莱里(Paul Valery)的声明在今天像二十世纪初有影响力的法国诗人首次宣布时一样真实。当应用时,它也许会引起最大的共鸣。到1940年代,我们日新月异的行业吹嘘说,有一天计算机的重量可能不到两吨,这已经走了很长的路要走。30年前只能在头脑中看到的技术产品现在只有动画家庭以外的卡通家庭才有经验,而Jet-sons如今在动画世界之外存在,并且紧随变化的浪潮,还有许多行业贸易协会。



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