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Management Debacle Offers Food for Thought


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Do employees make a difference? The greater Boston area, a relatively high-cost area of America, has been transfixed by a corporate drama playing out in the press - and quite literally on the streets. This drama has all the fodder that makes for great storytelling: greedy shareholders, a prominent company, and a decades-long family feud. And a lesson is in this for everyone - albeit maybe for some more than others. The business in question happens to be a regional grocery market chain. Now I don't know much about grocers other than 1) it is a highly competitive industry, 2) neither employees nor management are considered highly paid, at least compared to Silicon Valley techies or New York hedge funders, 3) employee turnover is relatively high, and 4) margins are razor thin! Sound familiar? Grocery chains seem to face the same squeeze on margins, profits and staffing challenges as virtually all companies in the electronics supply chain.



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