首页> 外文期刊>Pramana >Cosmological constant in the Bianchi type-I-modified Brans-Dicke cosmology

Cosmological constant in the Bianchi type-I-modified Brans-Dicke cosmology

机译:Bianchi I型修饰的Brans-Dicke宇宙学中的宇宙学常数

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In 1961, Brans and Dicke provided an interesting alternative to general relativity based on Mach's principle. To understand the reasons leading to their field equations, we first consider homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models in the Brans-Dicke theory. Accordingly we start with the Robertson-Walker line element and the energy tensor of a perfect fluid. The scalar field φ is now a function of the cosmic time only. Then we consider spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-I-cosmological solutions of modified Brans-Dicke theory containing barotropic fluid. These have been obtained by imposing a condition on the cosmological parameter Λ(φ). Again we try to focus the meaning of this cosmological term and to relate it to the time coordinate which gives us a collapse singularity or the initial singularity. On the other hand, our solution is a generalization of the solution found by Singh and Singh. As far as we are aware, such solution has not been given earlier.
机译:1961年,布朗斯和迪克根据马赫原理为广义相对论提供了一种有趣的替代方法。为了理解导致其场方程的原因,我们首先考虑Brans-Dicke理论中的均质和各向同性宇宙学模型。因此,我们从Robertson-Walker线元素和理想流体的能量张量开始。现在,标量场φ仅是宇宙时间的函数。然后,我们考虑了含有正压流体的改进的Brans-Dicke理论的空间均匀各向异性Bianchi I型宇宙学解。这些是通过在宇宙学参数Λ(φ)上施加条件而获得的。再一次,我们尝试着眼于这个宇宙学术语的含义,并将其与时间坐标联系起来,这给了我们崩溃的奇点或初始的奇点。另一方面,我们的解决方案是Singh和Singh找到的解决方案的概括。据我们所知,这种解决方案还没有给出。



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