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Increasing the efficiency of agronomy experiments in potato using INFOCROP-POTATO model


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This paper reports adaptations of a generic crop model IN FOCROP for potato and its application in increasing the efficiency of agronomic experiments in tropical environments. A dataset of 13 experiments consisting of 153 treatments was assembled from an extensive literature search. These experiments were conducted over the period 1976-1999 in diverse Indian locations from 31 °N 75 ° E to 25 ° N 85 ° E. The treatments varied in locations, seasons, planting dates, water and N management and varieties. The duration to tuber initiation in the dataset varied between 25–63 days after planting and tuber yield between 11.0-45.3 t ha-1. Simulated trends of phenological development, growth and tuber yield were in close agreement with the measured with acceptable error. It was concluded that the model was adequate to simulate the effect of various crop management factors to obtain quick results and increase the efficiency of agronomic experiments.
机译:本文报告了针对马铃薯的通用作物模型IN FOCROP的改编及其在提高热带环境中农艺实验效率方面的应用。通过广泛的文献搜索,收集了由153种治疗方法组成的13个实验的数据集。这些实验是在1976年至1999年期间在印度不同地区(从31°N 75°E到25°N 85°E)进行的。处理方式因位置,季节,播种日期,水分和氮素管理及品种而异。块茎开始播种的时间在种植后25-63天之间变化,块茎产量在11.0-45.3 t ha-1 之间。物候发展,生长和块茎产量的模拟趋势与所测得的结果非常吻合,并且具有可接受的误差。结论是该模型足以模拟各种作物管理因素的影响,以获得快速结果并提高农艺实验的效率。



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