首页> 外文期刊>Polymer Degradation and Stability >Characterisation of flavour compounds formed by γ-irradiation of polypropylene

Characterisation of flavour compounds formed by γ-irradiation of polypropylene


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Sterilisation of plastic packaging materials for food, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products with ~(60)Co γ-irradiation in the presence of oxygen can result in the formation of volatile substances. These may subsequently induce off-odours in these materials that might be regarded as negative by the consumers. Trace volatiles and odorous substances of polypropylene, irradiated with ~(60)Co γ rays at 10 and 20 kGy, respectively, were collected and analysed by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), GC-MS and GC-GC-MS. The methodology was successfully applied for identification of 29 characteristic odorants in a non-irradiated control sample and 38 odorants in γ-irradiated polypropylene samples. Selected odour-active compounds were quantified using GC-GC-MS in combination with stable isotope dilution assays. The quantitative data mirrors the compositional changes in volatile odorous substances from polypropylene during treatment with ionising γ rays in a ~(60)Co-irradiation plant.
机译:食品,药品或化妆品用塑料包装材料在有氧的情况下经〜(60)Coγ射线灭菌,会导致形成挥发性物质。这些可能随后在这些材料中引起异味,消费者可能认为这些异味是有害的。分别收集分别在10 kGy和20 kGy的〜(60)Coγ射线辐照的聚丙烯的微量挥发物和有味物质,并通过气相色谱-嗅觉法(GC-O),GC-MS和GC-GC-MS进行分析。该方法已成功应用于非辐照对照样品中29种特征性香精的鉴定和γ辐照聚丙烯样品中38种香精的鉴定。所选气味活性化合物使用GC-GC-MS与稳定同位素稀释测定法结合进行定量。定量数据反映了在〜(60)Co辐照设备中用电离γ射线处理过程中来自聚丙烯的挥发性有味物质的成分变化。



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