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The failure of police ‘fusion’ centers and the concept of a national intelligence sharing plan


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The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) originated primarily in response to the September 11 attacks with the intended goal of improving the coordination of law enforcement agencies through better mechanisms of intelligence sharing. These mechanisms have taken form as fusion centers whereby information is collected, stored, analyzed, converted into intelligence, and subsequently disseminated to other agencies. According to the NCISP, local fusion centers report to state fusion centers that ultimately report to the National Counter Terrorism Center for a coordinated response to potential criminal and terrorist threats. Though well-intentioned, there is very little evidence to suggest that the goals of improved communication and coordination have been accomplished through the NCISP or fusion centers. The authors argue that the structure and mission of law enforcement agencies undermines the very essence of fusion centers and what they are intended to do. In particular, agencies still possess a number of traits (e.g., autonomy and interagency ego) that hinder the effective and efficient sharing of information and intelligence. Moreover, local agencies operating fusion centers are required to assume roles, strategies, and techniques inherent to the military and federal law enforcement operations. These issues are reviewed and recommendations are discussed for future applications of fusion centers.View full textDownload full textKeywordsfusion centers, intelligence, homeland security, terrorismRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2011.581448
机译:国家刑事情报共享计划(NCISP)主要是针对9月11日的袭击而发起的,其既定目标是通过更好的情报共享机制来改善执法机构的协调。这些机制以融合中心的形式出现,通过该中心可以收集,存储,分析信息,将其转换为情报,然后分发给其他机构。据NCISP称,地方融合中心向国家融合中心报告,国家融合中心最终向国家反恐中心报告,以对潜在的犯罪和恐怖威胁作出协调反应。尽管有很好的意图,但很少有证据表明通过NCISP或融合中心已经实现了改善沟通和协调的目标。作者认为,执法机构的结构和任务破坏了融合中心的本质和意图。特别是,代理机构仍具有许多特征(例如自治和机构间自我),这些特征阻碍了信息和情报的有效和高效共享。此外,要求运营融合中心的地方机构承担军事和联邦执法行动固有的角色,策略和技术。审查了这些问题,并讨论了融合中心未来应用的建议。 technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more“,发布:” ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b“};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2011.581448



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