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PJM’s latest load forecast indicates slower growth than 2018 forecast


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PJM’s 2019 Load Forecast Report shows a 0.6% year-on-year increasein summer peakload in 2019, but S&P Global Platts Analytics expectsincreased availability of inexpensive natural gas generation tooutweigh increased demand in setting prices.This past summer’s metered peakload totaled about 150.5 GW,down from the 2018 Load Forecast Report’s projected 152.1 GW, but thereport released Thursday projects the summer 2019 peakload to totalabout 151.4 GW.At PJM West Hub, PJM’s most liquid location, day-ahead on-peaklocational marginal prices averaged $36.75/MWh this past Junethrough August. Asked whether the latest forecast, if proven correct,might strengthen power prices in the region, Kieran Kemmerer, a PlattsAnalytics power analyst, said his organization “anticipates slightlylower on-peak power prices … primarily a result of increased gas-firedgeneration capacity.”
机译:PJM的《 2019年负荷预测报告》显示,2019年夏季高峰负荷​​同比增长0.6%,但标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯分析师预计,廉价天然气的供应量将增加,这将不超过设定价格的需求增长。 r n去年夏天的计量高峰负荷总计约为150.5 GW,低于《 2018年负荷预测报告》的预计峰值152.1 GW,但周四发布的报告预计2019年夏季的高峰负荷总计约为151.4 GW。 r n在过去6月份至8月份,PJM最具流动性的地区PJM West Hub的每日日间高峰时段边际平均电价为$ 36.75 / MWh。当被问到最新预测(如果证明正确)是否会加强该地区的电价时,普氏能源分析公司分析师基兰·凯默勒(Kieran Kemmerer)表示,他的组织“对峰值电价的预期稍低…主要燃气发电能力提高的结果。”



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