首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science >A two-component model for the electron distribution function in a high-current pseudospark or back-lighted thyratron

A two-component model for the electron distribution function in a high-current pseudospark or back-lighted thyratron


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Temperature, energy, and densities of two electron distribution function components, including an isotropic bulk part and an anisotropic beam, are analyzed for a hydrogen pseudospark and/or back-lighted thyratron switch plasma with a peak electron density of 1-3*10/sup 15/ cm/sup -3/ and peak current density of approximately=10/sup 4/ A/cm/sup 2/. Estimates of a very small cathode-fall width during the conduction phase and high electric field strengths lead to the injection of an electron beam with energies
机译:分析了具有各向同性的主体部分和各向异性束的两个电子分布函数分量的温度,能量和密度,以分析氢的伪火花和/或背光晶闸管开关等离子体的峰值电子密度为1-3 * 10 / sup 15 / cm / sup -3 /和峰值电流密度大约= 10 / sup 4 / A / cm / sup 2 /。估计在导电阶段阴极降落宽度非常小且电场强度很高,导致注入能量小于或等于100 eV且密度为10 / sup 13 / -10 / sup 14 / cm / sup的电子束-3 /注入麦克斯韦体积等离子体。通过一组速率方程对单能束电子,体等离子体电子和离子以及原子氢的碰撞和辐射过程进行建模,并将线强度比与测量值进行比较。在这些高电流条件下,对于初始密度n / sub H2 / = 10 / sup 16 / cm / sup -3 /和电子温度0.8-1 eV,估计的电子束密度大约== 10 / sup 13 /- 10 / sup 14 / cm / sup -3 /。这些结果表明有可能以简单的方式产生非常高密度的电子束。



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