首页> 外文期刊>Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on >Use of Collisional Plasma as an Optimum Lossy Dielectric for Wave Absorption in Planar Layers, Analysis, and Application

Use of Collisional Plasma as an Optimum Lossy Dielectric for Wave Absorption in Planar Layers, Analysis, and Application


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Parameters of electromagnetic scattering for lossy plasma media are analytically computed for planar layered structures. The structures are backed with a perfectly electric conductor and minimal reflection is analyzed versus both incident wave angle and frequency. The physical specifications of plasma dielectric for the optimum reduction in reflection are obtained using genetic algorithm. Optimizations show a good prospect to use electromagnetic properties of cold collisional plasma as an optimum lossy dielectric. The achieved optimum plasma for the coating layer is an appropriate choice for radar cross section reduction over a wide range of incident frequencies and angles. Although the plasma layer alone can dissipate the wave satisfactorily, an applicable model within a confining layer is analyzed. The elctron density distribution is analyticaly investigated. Applications are analyzed in full wave, numeric, and analytical methods.



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