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A plane intersect method for estimating fine root productivity of trees from minirhizotron images


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The advent of minirhizotrons more than a decade ago has made the careful and widespread study of fine root dynamics of trees possible. However, to this day, the estimation of fine root productivity in terms of mass production per unit of ground surface from the minirhizotron data remains hampered by the difficulty in transforming images of roots captured along a two-dimensional plane into estimates of root volume or mass within a soil volume. In this work, we propose that the date of fine root appearance and the diameter of fine roots are the most robust variables that can be obtained from minirhizotron measurements of tree roots and that these two variables should be the basis of productivity estimates. The method proposed for estimating fine root productivity expands the line intersect method of Van Wagner (1968) into a plane intersect method that permits, with the appropriate volumetric transformations and corrections for tube and slope angles, the estimation of fine root productivity per unit ground area for specific periods. Examples of calculations are presented for two datasets obtained within two different forested sites, as well as a comparison with a methodology based on camera depth-of-view. The main weakness of the plane intersect method is the assumption that all fine root segments are independent. The correction for the fraction of coarse particles also creates uncertainty in the final estimate.
机译:微型根际放疗的出现已使十多年前对细微的树木根动态进行了仔细而广泛的研究成为可能。然而,直到今天,由于难以将沿二维平面捕获的根部图像转换成根部体积或质量的估计值,仍难以根据小型根部增效剂数据来估算单位地面面积的精细产量。在土壤体积之内。在这项工作中,我们建议细根出现的日期和细根的直径是可以从树根的微型根茎测量中获得的最可靠的变量,并且这两个变量应作为生产力估算的基础。建议的估算细根生产力的方法将Van Wagner(1968)的线相交方法扩展为平面相交方法,该方法允许通过适当的体积转换和管和倾斜角的校正,估算每单位地面面积的细根生产力。在特定时期。给出了在两个不同林区中获得的两个数据集的计算示例,并与基于摄像机视角的方法进行了比较。平面相交方法的主要缺点是所有细根段都是独立的。粗颗粒比例的校正也会在最终估算中产生不确定性。



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