首页> 外文期刊>Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture >Proline biosynthetic gene expression in tissue cultures of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to saline treatment

Proline biosynthetic gene expression in tissue cultures of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to saline treatment

机译:盐处理对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)组织培养中脯氨酸生物合成基因表达的影响

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The regulation of proline biosynthesis has been examined in callus and cell cultures of the indica-type rice cultivar Khao Dawk Mali 105 (KDML105) in response to a saline treatment (250 mM NaCl) in terms of the expression of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (OsP5CR) and members of the gene family encoding the rate-determining enzyme, Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase (designated OsP5CS1 and OsP5CS2). Using friable callus, growth was retarded by treatment with 250 mM NaCl within 4 days, with a significant increase in the expression of OsP5CS2 by 24 h, and a less marked induction in OsP5CS1 and OsP5CR over the same time-course. Cell suspension cultures derived from the friable callus were also treated with 250 mM NaCl and an induction in OsP5CS2 was again observed, although this was not as marked as in the friable callus, and there was no significant change in OsP5CS1 and OsP5CR expression. This is the first report that details the expression of OsP5CS1 and OsP5CS2 in tissue culture and the results show that, in common with whole plants, OsP5CS2 displays a primacy of response to saline treatment. However, this response may require a community of communicating cells, as occurs in callus tissue, rather than cell suspension cultures. This difference has implications both in terms of the biology of signaling in response to increased salinity and in the use of tissue culture to screen for saline-tolerant germplasm.
机译:已经就盐处理(250 mM NaCl)对the型水稻品种Khao Dawk Mali 105(KDML105)的愈伤组织和细胞培养物中脯氨酸生物合成的调节进行了研究,涉及的Δ 1 < / sup>-吡咯啉-5-羧化物还原酶(OsP5CR)和编码速率决定酶Δ 1 -pyrroline-5-羧化物合酶的基因家族成员(分别为OsP5CS1和OsP5CS2)。使用易碎的愈伤组织,在4天内用250 mM NaCl处理可抑制生长,到24小时OsP5CS2的表达显着增加,并且在同一时间过程中对OsP5CS1和OsP5CR的诱导作用较小。还用250 mM NaCl处理了来自脆性愈伤组织的细胞悬浮培养物,并再次观察到了OsP5CS2的诱导,尽管这在脆性愈伤组织中并不明显,并且OsP5CS1和OsP5CR的表达没有明显变化。这是第一份详细介绍OsP5CS1和OsP5CS2在组织培养中表达的报告,结果表明,与整株植物一样,OsP5CS2显示出对盐处理的首要反应。但是,这种反应可能需要在愈伤组织中发生的交流细胞群落,而不是细胞悬浮培养。这种差异在对盐度增加作出响应的信号生物学方面以及在使用组织培养物筛选耐盐种质方面都具有影响。



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