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E.U. Condon: Science, Religion, and the Politics of World Peace

机译:欧洲联盟。 Condon:科学,宗教与世界和平的政治



I set forth and discuss E.U. Condon’s views on science and society, focusing specifically on Condon’s views on science and religion, science and government, and the necessity for world peace. Even disregarding his contributions to theoretical physics, Condon proves an interesting case study for several reasons. He had extensive experience in academia, industry, and government, and was a scientist who easily crossed the insider-outsider divide between scientists in Cold War America. Moreover, Condon was a person of the Progressive Left advocating World Government as necessary for peace and warning of the dangers of the militarization of American society as well as of science itself. Known for being outspoken, he became an inviting target for the forces of anticommunism in Cold War America. In March 1948, the House Un-American Activities Committee charged that Condon was “one of the weakest links in our atomic security.”
机译:我开始讨论欧盟Condon对科学与社会的看法,特别是在Condon对科学与宗教,科学与政府以及世界和平的必要性的看法上。即使忽略了他对理论物理学的贡献,康多因几个原因也证明了一个有趣的案例研究。他在学术界,工业界和政府部门拥有丰富的经验,并且是一位科学家,很容易越过了冷战美国科学家之间的内在-外在鸿沟。此外,康登还是进步左派的倡导者,主张和平对于维护世界,警告美国社会军事化的危险以及科学本身都是必要的。他直言不讳,成为冷战美国反共势力的诱人目标。 1948年3月,美国众议院非美国活动委员会指责康登“是我们原子安全中最薄弱的环节之一”。



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