首页> 外文期刊>Physical review. B, Condensed Matter And Materials Physics >Spin polarization decay in spin-(1/2) and spin-(3/2) systems

Spin polarization decay in spin-(1/2) and spin-(3/2) systems


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We present a general unifying theory for spin polarization decay due to the interplay of spin precession and momentum scattering that is applicable to both spin-(1/2) electrons and spin-(3/2) holes. Our theory allows us to identify and characterize a wide range of qualitatively different regimes. For strong momentum scattering or slow spin precession, we recover the D'yakonov-Perel result [Sov. Phys. Solid State 13, 3023 (1972)], according to which the spin relaxation time is inversely proportional to the momentum relaxation time. On the other hand, we find that in the ballistic regime, the carrier spin polarization shows a very different qualitative behavior. In systems with isotropic spin splitting, the spin polarization can oscillate indefinitely, while in systems with anisotropic spin splitting, the spin polarization is reduced by spin dephasing, which is nonexpo-nential and may result in an incomplete decay of the spin polarization. For weak momentum scattering or fast spin precession, the oscillations or nonexponential spin dephasing is modulated by an exponential envelope proportional to the momentum relaxation time. Nevertheless, even in this case, in certain systems a fraction of the spin polarization may survive at long times. Finally, it is shown that despite the qualitatively different nature of spin precession in the valence band, spin polarization decay in spin-(3/2) hole systems has many similarities to its counterpart in spin-(1/2) electron systems.
机译:由于自旋旋进和动量散射的相互作用,我们提出了一种自旋极化衰减的通用统一理论,该理论适用于自旋(1/2)电子和自旋(3/2)空穴。我们的理论使我们能够确定和表征各种性质不同的制度。对于强大的动量散射或缓慢的自旋进动,我们恢复了D'yakonov-Perel结果[Sov。1989。物理[Solid State 13,3023(1972)],根据该自旋弛豫时间与动量弛豫时间成反比。另一方面,我们发现在弹道状态下,载流子自旋极化表现出非常不同的定性行为。在具有各向同性自旋分裂的系统中,自旋极化会无限期地振荡,而在具有各向异性自旋分裂的系统中,自旋移相会降低自旋极化,这是非指数性的,并可能导致自旋极化的衰减不完全。对于弱动量散射或快速自旋进动,振荡或非指数自旋移相由与动量弛豫时间成比例的指数包络调制。然而,即使在这种情况下,在某些系统中,自旋极化的一小部分仍可能长时间存在。最后,表明尽管价带中自旋旋进的性质在性质上有所不同,但自旋(3/2)空穴系统中的自旋极化衰减与自旋(1/2)电子系统中的自旋极化衰减有许多相似之处。



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