首页> 外文期刊>Physical review letters >Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Orbitally Selective Mott Transition

Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Orbitally Selective Mott Transition


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We study the conductivity, density of states, and magnetic correlations of a two-dimensional, two-band fermion Hubbard model using determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations. We show that an orbitally selective Mott transition (OSMT) occurs in which the more weakly interacting band can be metallic despite complete localization of the strongly interacting band. The DQMC method allows us to test the validity of the use of a momentum independent self-energy which has been a central approximation in previous OSMT studies. In addition, we show that long range antiferromagnetic order (LRAFMO) is established in the insulating phase, similar to the single band, square lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian. Because the critical interaction strengths for the onset of insulating behavior are much less than the bandwidth of the itinerant orbital, we suggest that LRAFMO plays a key role in the transitions.
机译:我们使用确定性量子蒙特卡罗(DQMC)模拟研究二维,两波段费米子Hubbard模型的电导率,状态密度和磁相关性。我们显示,发生了轨道选择性莫特跃迁(OSMT),尽管强相互作用带完全定位,但较弱的相互作用带可以是金属的。 DQMC方法使我们能够测试使用独立于动量的自能量的有效性,这在以前的OSMT研究中已成为中心近似。此外,我们表明,在绝缘相中建立了远距离反铁磁有序(LRAFMO),类似于单带方格哈伯哈密顿量。因为开始绝缘行为的关键相互作用强度远小于流动轨道的带宽,所以我们建议LRAFMO在过渡过程中起关键作用。



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