首页> 外文期刊>Physical review letters >Transition from Weak to Strong Cascade in MHD Turbulence

Transition from Weak to Strong Cascade in MHD Turbulence


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The transition from weak to strong turbulence when passing from large to small scales in magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence with guide field is a cornerstone of anisotropic turbulence theory. We present the first check of this transition, using the Shell-RMHD, which combines a shell model of perpendicular nonlinear coupling and linear propagation along the guide field. This model allows us to reach Reynolds numbers around 106. We obtain surprisingly good agreement with the theoretical predictions, with a reduced perpendicular energy spectrum scaling as k_⊥~(-2) at large scales and as k_⊥~(-5/3) at small scales, where critical balance between nonlinear and propagation time is reached. However, even in the strong regime, a high level of excitation is found in the weak coupling region of Fourier space, which is due to the rich frequency spectrum of large eddies. A corollary is that the reduced parallel spectral slope is not a definite test of the spectral anisotropy, contrary to standard belief.



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