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Craft, Creativity, Computer Games: the Fusion of Play and Material Consciousness


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In a historical perspective, what is novel about computer games is that they are not pure games but cultural objects which allow the playful desires identified by Caillois to be fused with craftsmanship, the desire to do a job well for its own sake (Sennett). Play is often defined in opposition to work, for example by Huizinga and Caillois, but craftsmanship has two qualities which can be found in both. Firstly, craftsmanship entails creative attention to the material at hand pleasurably and patiently built up through rehearsal (cf. Sennett on "material consciousness")-"creative" is used in a sense read from Bergson which is almost synonymous with "possibility-widening". Secondly, craftsmanship entails the satisfaction of seeing the end result of one's labours. Both qualities are essential to human well-being (Marx, Sennett, Smith).
机译:从历史的角度来看,关于计算机游戏的新颖之处在于,它们不是纯粹的游戏,而是使Caillois认同的好玩的欲望与手工艺相融合的文化对象,即出于自身的缘故做好工作的欲望(Sennett)。游戏常常被定义为与工作相对立,例如Huizinga和Caillois,但是工艺有两种特质可以在两者中找到。首先,工艺需要创造性地关注手头上的材料,并且要​​通过排练耐心地积累(参见Sennett的“材料意识”)-“创意”是从Bergson读来的意思,几乎等同于“可能性扩大”。 。其次,手工艺使人们满意地看到自己劳动的最终结果。两种品质对于人类的福祉至关重要(马克思,塞内特,史密斯)。



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