AbstractIn a global economic landscape of hyper-commodification and financialisation, efforts to assimilate dig'/> Digital Art as 'Monetised Graphics': Enforcing Intellectual Property on the Blockchain
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Digital Art as 'Monetised Graphics': Enforcing Intellectual Property on the Blockchain


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AbstractIn a global economic landscape of hyper-commodification and financialisation, efforts to assimilate digital art into the high-stakes commercial art market have so far been rather unsuccessful, presumably because digital artworks cannot easily assume the status of precious object worthy of collection. This essay explores the use of blockchain technologies in attempts to create proprietary digital art markets in which uncommodifiable digital artworks are financialised as artificially scarce commodities. Using the decentralisation techniques and distributed database protocols underlying current cryptocurrency technologies, such efforts, exemplified here by the platform Monegraph, tend to be presented as concerns with the interest of digital artists and with shifting ontologies of the contemporary work of art. I challenge this characterisation, and argue, in a discussion that combines aesthetic theory, legal and philosophical theories of intellectual property, rhetorical analysis and research in the political economy of new media, that the formation of proprietary digital art markets by emerging commercial platforms such as Monegraph constitutes a worrisome amplification of long-established, on-going efforts to fence in creative expression as private property. As I argue, the combination of blockchain-based protocols with established ambitions of intellectual property policy yields hybrid conceptual-computational financial technologies (such as self-enforcing smart contracts attached to digital artefacts) that are unlikely to empower artists but which serve to financialise digital creative practices as a whole, curtailing the critical potential of the digital as an inherently dynamic and potentially uncommodifiable mode of production and artistic expression.
机译: Abstract 在超商品化和金融化的全球经济环境中,努力吸收数字化迄今为止,将艺术推向高风险商业艺术市场的努力还很不成功,大概是因为数字艺术无法轻易地承担值得收藏的珍贵物品的地位。本文探讨了区块链技术的使用,以尝试创建专有的数字艺术市场,在这种市场中,不可商品化的数字艺术品被金融化为人为稀缺的商品。使用去中心化技术和当前加密货币技术基础上的分布式数据库协议,这种努力(在这里以平台Monegraph为例)倾向于被表达为关注数字艺术家的兴趣和当代艺术品的本体论。我挑战这种特征,并在结合美学理论,知识产权的法律和哲学理论,修辞分析和新媒体政治经济学研究的讨论中,论证了新兴的商业平台(例如, Monegraph令人不安地放大了长期存在的,不断进行的努力,以创造性地表现为私有财产。正如我所说的那样,将基于区块链的协议与已确立的知识产权政策野心相结合,会产生混合的概念计算金融技术(例如,附加到数字文物的自我执行的智能合约),这些技术不太可能赋予艺术家权力,但有助于数字化金融整个创作实践,限制了数字音乐作为一种固有的动态且潜在不可修改的生产和艺术表现方式的关键潜力。



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