首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Elicitation of particular grammatical structures in speeches for interpreting research: enhancing ecological validity of experimental research in interpreting

Elicitation of particular grammatical structures in speeches for interpreting research: enhancing ecological validity of experimental research in interpreting


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In many experiments with simultaneous interpreting (SI), researchers use source speeches that are not only written and read aloud, but also pre-recorded, reducing their ecological validity. This study proposes a method to obtain speeches that are suited for experimental research, but with lower levels of input control. It examines the effect of written cues in a PowerPoint presentation with varying constituent orders and varying ratios of explicit verbal input. The study analyses to what extent the cues are capable of eliciting SOV (subject - object - verb) constituent orders in Dutch speakers, a well-known trigger of cognitive load in SI. We focus on two types of subordinate clauses: adverbial and content clauses. The results reveal that the extent to which SOV is elicited in speakers is highest when the (S)OV order is present in the written input. However, other types of input, with lower levels of input control, such as verbless structures, are also seen to elicit to 50% of SOV in speeches.
机译:在许多具有同声口译(SI)的实验中,研究人员使用源语言不仅陈述和阅读,还可以预先记录,降低其生态有效性。本研究提出了一种获得适合实验研究的演讲的方法,但输入控制水平较低。它在PowerPoint演示文稿中审查了书面提示的效果,不同的组成命令和明确的口头投入的不同比率。该研究分析了提示能够在多大程度上引发荷兰语演讲机中的SOV(主题 - 物体 - 动词)组成命令,是SI中的认知负荷的众所周知的触发。我们专注于两种类型的下属条款:状语和内容条款。结果表明,当书面输入中存在时,SOV在扬声器中引出的程度最高。然而,其他类型的输入,具有较低级别的输入控制等输入控制(例如verbless结构)也被视为在演讲中引出50%的SOV。



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