首页> 外文期刊>Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on >Laplace Approximation for Divisive Gaussian Processes for Nonstationary Regression

Laplace Approximation for Divisive Gaussian Processes for Nonstationary Regression


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The standard Gaussian Process regression (GP) is usually formulated under stationary hypotheses: The noise power is considered constant throughout the input space and the covariance of the prior distribution is typically modeled as depending only on the difference between input samples. These assumptions can be too restrictive and unrealistic for many real-world problems. Although nonstationarity can be achieved using specific covariance functions, they require a prior knowledge of the kind of nonstationarity, not available for most applications. In this paper we propose to use the Laplace approximation to make inference in a divisive GP model to perform nonstationary regression, including heteroscedastic noise cases. The log-concavity of the likelihood ensures a unimodal posterior and makes that the Laplace approximation converges to a unique maximum. The characteristics of the likelihood also allow to obtain accurate posterior approximations when compared to the Expectation Propagation (EP) approximations and the asymptotically exact posterior provided by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo implementation with Elliptical Slice Sampling (ESS), but at a reduced computational load with respect to both, EP and ESS.
机译:通常在固定假设下制定标准的高斯过程回归(GP):噪声功率在整个输入空间中被认为是恒定的,并且先验分布的协方差通常被建模为仅取决于输入样本之间的差异。对于许多实际问题,这些假设可能过于严格和不切实际。尽管可以使用特定的协方差函数来实现非平稳性,但它们需要非平稳性的先验知识,而对于大多数应用程序却不可用。在本文中,我们建议使用Laplace近似在除法GP模型中进行推断,以执行非平稳回归,包括异方差噪声案例。似然的对数凹度确保了单峰后验,并使拉普拉斯逼近收敛到唯一最大值。与Expectation Propagation(EP)近似值和由Markov Chain Monte Carlo实现方法提供的带有椭圆切片采样(ESS)的渐近精确后验值相比,似然率的特性还可以获取精确的后验逼近,但计算量却减少了关于EP和ESS。



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