首页> 外文期刊>Organization science >Firms, Markets, and the State: Institutional Change and Manufacturing Sector Profitability Variances in India

Firms, Markets, and the State: Institutional Change and Manufacturing Sector Profitability Variances in India


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We assess absolute magnitudes, relative importance, and intertemporal differences in firm, industry, and business group effects in explaining the variance of Indian manufacturing firms'profitability over the 26-year period between 1980-1981 and 2005-2006. We stratify the data by institutional phases to place emphasis on the role of changing institutional , factors in an emerging economy: first as a regime of command and control transits to partial liberalization (between 1985 and 1991) and then to an open competitive market economy (after 1991); thereafter, financial reforms occur, followed by legal reforms. We find that liberalization significantly affects and alters the relative importance of firm, industry, and group effects. Firm effects are always important, whether in a command and control regime, with benefits accruing from protectionism and political rent seeking, or in liberalized periods where firm-specific capabilities and dynamic efficiencies are valued. Industry effects are significant in the command and control regime, when mandatory sector placement benefits firms in industries with superior profits, and in the liberalized period, when the choice of the industry segment in which to operate is open to firms. Thereafter, industry effects dissipate. Business group effects matter in explaining profitability variances. Group effects'magnitudes, however, do not change significantly over time.
机译:在解释印度制造公司在1980-1981年至2005-2006年这26年期间的获利能力方差时,我们评估了公司,行业和业务组影响的绝对大小,相对重要性和跨时期差异。我们按制度阶段对数据进行分层,以强调制度因素在新兴经济中的作用:首先是命令和控制制度过渡到部分自由化(在1985年至1991年之间),然后过渡到开放的竞争性市场经济( 1991年以后);此后,进行金融改革,然后进行法律改革。我们发现,自由化显着影响并改变了公司,行业和集团效应的相对重要性。无论是在指挥和控制体制中,还是从保护主义和寻求政治租金中获得收益,还是在重视公司特定能力和动态效率的自由化时期,公司效应始终至关重要。在强制性行业中,当强制性部门安置使利润较高的行业中的公司受益时,以及在自由化时期中,经营所在行业的选择对公司开放时,行业的影响在命令和控制制度中是重要的。此后,行业影响消散。业务部门效应对于解释盈利能力差异至关重要。但是,组效果的幅度不会随时间显着变化。



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