首页> 外文期刊>Optical and quantum electronics >Characterization of tunable electromagnetic band gap material with disordered cavity resonator for X band imaging applications by resistive devices

Characterization of tunable electromagnetic band gap material with disordered cavity resonator for X band imaging applications by resistive devices


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Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) integrated monopole antenna is investigated in deformed cavity resonator in this study. The operation frequency is chosen as X band frequency regime and designs are completed for this frequency. Firstly, a square grounded monopole antenna is designed and analytically examined, then EBG grounded monopole is designed and tested. After that operation, an 8 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm cubic cavity resonator designed and antennas are examined in it. Moreover, a cuboid deformation is added in one corner of metallic cavity resonator to perturb rectangular eigenmodes. Also, tunability of this structure is tested by various resistive lumped elements, and according to results, resonance shifting and magnitude changes are obtained. This suggested structure is also an adjustable impedance surface and can be used in sensing, detection and microwave imaging applications.
机译:在变形腔谐振器中研究了电磁带隙(EBG)集成单极天线。选择工作频率作为X频带频率范围,并为此频率完成设计。首先,设计并分析了方形接地单极天线,然后设计并测试了EBG接地单极天线。完成该操作后,将设计一个8 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm的立方谐振腔,并检查其中的天线。此外,在金属腔谐振器的一个角上增加了长方体变形,以扰动矩形本征模。同样,通过各种电阻集总元件测试该结构的可调性,并根据结果获得谐振位移和幅度变化。这种建议的结构也是可调节的阻抗表面,可用于传感,检测和微波成像应用。



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