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Why Defeating Insurgencies Is Hard: The Effect of Intelligence in Counterinsurgency Operations-A Best-Case Scenario


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In insurgency situations, the government-organized force is confronted by a small guerrilla group that is dispersed in the general population with no or a very small signature. Effective counterinsurgency operations require good intelligence. Absent intelligence, not only might the insurgents escape unharmed and continue their violent actions, but collateral damage caused to the general population from poor targeting may generate adverse response against the government and create popular support for the insurgents, which may result in higher recruitment to the insurgency. We model the dynamic relations among intelligence, collateral casualties in the population, attrition, recruitment to the insurgency, and reinforcement to the government force. Even under best-case assumptions, we show that the government cannot totally eradicate the insurgency by force. The best it can do is contain it at a certain fixed level. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在叛乱情况下,政府组织的部队面临着一支游击队,这些游击队散布在普通人群中,没有或只有很小的签名。有效的平叛行动需要良好的情报。由于缺乏情报,叛乱分子不仅可能逃脱未受伤害并继续进行暴力行动,而且由于针对性差而对普通民众造成的附带损害可能对政府产生不利反应,并为叛乱分子提供民众支持,这可能导致对叛乱分子的更高招募叛乱。我们对情报,人口的附带伤亡,人员流失,叛乱人员的招募以及政府部队的加强之间的动态关系进行建模。即使在最佳情况下,我们也表明,政府无法完全消除武力。它能做的最好的事情就是将它包含在一定的固定水平上。 [出版物摘要]



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