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A Common Framework for Inter-Process Communication on a Cluster


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Many implementations of distributed shared memories (DSMs) have been developed to date. All of the implementations have taken into consideration, the performance issues of DSM systems more than other issues like the portability of programs and API. DSM systems have APIs that fit a specific system and require a programmer's adaptation to that specific API. A migration between systems might require a significant revision of a program. Moreover, programmers who write programs for SMPs need to rewrite large portions of their programs in order to scale up their programs from SMP to a cluster of computers. We are presenting a concept for a distributed system, in which an API for any IPC mechanism will be identical, or very close to the SMP's conventional API. This concept can accustom programmers to a distributed system with ease, as well as improving the migration of existing SMP programs to distributed systems.
机译:迄今为止,已经开发了许多分布式共享存储器(DSM)的实现。与所有其他实现(例如程序和API的可移植性)相比,DSM系统的性能问题更多地考虑了。 DSM系统具有适合特定系统的API,并且要求程序员对该特定API进行调整。系统之间的迁移可能需要对程序进行重大修订。此外,为SMP编写程序的程序员需要重写其程序的大部分内容,以便将其程序从SMP扩展到计算机集群。我们提出了一种分布式系统的概念,其中用于任何IPC机制的API都是相同的,或者非常接近SMP的常规API。这个概念可以使程序员轻松地适应分布式系统,并改善现有SMP程序向分布式系统的迁移。



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