首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering >A time series analysis of sound propagation in a strongly multipath shallow water environment with an adiabatic normal mode approach

A time series analysis of sound propagation in a strongly multipath shallow water environment with an adiabatic normal mode approach


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Measured time series were generated by small omnidirectional explosive sources in a shallow water area. A bottom-mounted hydrophone recorded sound signals that propagated over a sloping bottom. The time series in the 250-500 Hz band were analyzed with a broad-band adiabatic normal mode approach. The measured waveforms contain numerous bottom interacting multipaths that are complicated by the subbottom structure that contains high-velocity layers near the water-sediment interface. Several of the details of the geoacoustic structure and the depth of the water column at the receiver are inferred from comparisons of the measured data to simulated time series. The sensitivity of broad-band matched-field ambiguity surfaces in the range-depth plane for a single receiver to selected waveguide parameters is examined. A consistent analysis is made where the simulated time series are compared to the measured time series along with the single-receiver matched-field localization solutions for ranges out to 5 km. In this range interval, it was found that the peak cross-correlation between the measured and simulated time series varied between 0.84 and 0.69. The difference between the GPS range and the range obtained from the matched-field solution varied from 0 to 63 m. The geoacoustic structure obtained in the analysis consists of an 8-m low-velocity sediment layer over an 8-m high-velocity layer followed by a higher velocity, infinite half-space.
机译:测得的时间序列是由浅水区的小型全向爆炸源产生的。底部安装的水听器记录了在倾斜底部传播的声音信号。使用宽带绝热正常模式方法分析了250-500 Hz频带中的时间序列。所测量的波形包含许多底部相互作用的多路径,这些复杂的路径由于底部结构而变得复杂,该底部结构包含靠近水-沉积物界面的高速层。从测量数据与模拟时间序列的比较可以推断出地声结构的一些细节以及接收器处水柱的深度。检查了单个接收器在范围深度平面内的宽带匹配场模糊度表面对所选波导参数的敏感性。进行了一致的分析,将模拟的时间序列与测得的时间序列以及单接收机匹配场本地化解决方案进行了比较(范围达5 km)。在此范围间隔内,发现测量和模拟时间序列之间的峰值互相关在0.84和0.69之间变化。 GPS范围与从匹配场解获得的范围之间的差异在0到63 m之间变化。分析中获得的地声结构由一个8 m的低速沉积物层和一个8 m的高速层组成,随后是一个更高速度的无限半空间。



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