首页> 外文期刊>Ocean Engineering >Statistics analysis of ship response in extreme seas

Statistics analysis of ship response in extreme seas


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Earlier investigations indicate that ship responses may significantly increase in steep sea states and a proper prediction of responses due to extreme waves is important for ship safety in extreme sea. The number of model tests investigating ship responses in rogue waves is limited today while the existing numerical codes predicting ship behavior in these waves still need to be improved. The present study is addressing statistical description of heave and pitch motions and vertical bending moment in extreme sea states by taking an LNG tanker as an example. The statistical analysis on both model tests and numerical simulations with 3D Panel method are performed to verify the numerical approach and to study the effect of forward speed on ship responses in extreme sea. The effect of statistical uncertainty due to different time spans of simulations on ship responses is also investigated. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:较早的调查表明,在陡峭的海域,船舶的响应可能会显着增加,而对极端波浪引起的响应的正确预测对于极端海域的船舶安全非常重要。如今,调查轮船在浪潮中的反应的模型测试的数量是有限的,而预测这些浪潮中的船只行为的现有数字代码仍需要改进。本研究以LNG液货船为例,探讨了极端海况下的升沉,俯仰运动和垂直弯矩的统计描述。对模型试验和使用3D面板法进行的数值模拟进行统计分析,以验证数值方法并研究前进速度对极端海域船舶响应的影响。还研究了由于模拟时间跨度不同而引起的统计不确定性对船舶响应的影响。 (c)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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