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Characteristics of ocean waves off Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, extracted from 1-year deep-water measured data


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One year of deep-water wave hourly records collected by a buoy deployed off Ceara state, northeastern Brazilian coast, were used to estimate some regional wave climate characteristics and annual cycles. Waves generated by four wind sources were identified. Southeastern direction showed to be the most effective, especially in the period from June to November due to southeast trade winds system intensification. Several dispersive arrivals of north Atlantic swell were recorded, and their generation zones were identified, which allows determining the region of main sources of these northern waves. Analysis of sea storms showed that although most of them had southeast direction, they could also come from the north. These northern storms sometimes are highly energetic, leading to damage in coastal structures. Only 37 records in the analyzed dataset around 0.4% of the total contained rogue waves. Although the number of occurrences of rogue waves was small, all of them were higher than 2.5 m.
机译:由巴西东北海岸塞阿拉州附近的一个浮标收集的一年深水海浪每小时记录用于估算一些区域性海浪气候特征和年周期。确定了由四个风源产生的波浪。东南风向显示出最有效的效果,尤其是在6月至11月,这是由于东南风系统的加剧。记录了北大西洋海浪的几次分散到达,并确定了它们的生成区,从而可以确定这些北海浪的主要来源区域。对海风暴的分析表明,尽管大多数风暴都向东南方向传播,但也可能来自北方。这些北部风暴有时会非常活跃,导致沿海结构受损。分析数据集中只有37条记录,大约占流浪总数的0.4%。尽管流氓波的发生​​次数很少,但都高于2.5 m。



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