首页> 外文期刊>Ocean Development & International Law >Jurisdiction Over Underwater Cultural Heritage in the EEZ and on the Continental Shelf: A Perspective From the Practice of States Bordering the South China Sea

Jurisdiction Over Underwater Cultural Heritage in the EEZ and on the Continental Shelf: A Perspective From the Practice of States Bordering the South China Sea


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The Chinese initiative of constructing the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road could be identified as a new chance to promote the protection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) in the South China Sea. However, uncertainties concerning the jurisdictional issue over the UCH in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or on the continental shelf constitute an obstacle. The Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage has, to some extent, enlarged the coastal state's jurisdiction. State practice differs on this issue. This article focuses on the domestic legislations of states bordering the South China Sea related to the jurisdiction over UCH found in their EEZ or on their continental shelf.
机译:中国建设21世纪海上丝绸之路的倡议可以被视为在南中国海促进保护水下文化遗产(UCH)的新机会。但是,关于专属经济区(EEZ)或大陆架中的水下文化遗产管辖权问题的不确定性构成障碍。 《保护水下文化遗产公约》在一定程度上扩大了沿海国家的管辖范围。国家实践在这个问题上有所不同。本文重点关注与南海接壤国家在其专属经济区或大陆架中对UCH管辖权的国内立法。



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