首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Digital Heritage >Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage Through Youth Employment and Public/Private Partnerships Multidisciplinary, comparative research for the digital transmission of Italian Cultural Heritage within Europeanization efforts toward safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage from a social capital perspective.

Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage Through Youth Employment and Public/Private Partnerships Multidisciplinary, comparative research for the digital transmission of Italian Cultural Heritage within Europeanization efforts toward safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage from a social capital perspective.




Europe has a rich and diverse cultural heritage that has influenced and created the modern world Heritage can be both tangible and intangible. Intangible heritage serves to bring people closer to the communities they live in by giving them a sense of identity and continuity. It includes culinary traditions, handicrafts local arts and rural life. Neglecting the social cohesion of a community that underpins intangible cultural heritage (ICH) efforts puts Europe's cultural heritage at risk. It is imperative that Europe preserves and spreads awareness of its rich and diverse cultural heritage. This multidimensional project seeks to help solve this problen by preserving the most precious and vulnerable aspect of European Culture, which is intangible cultural heritage. This project will serve as a precedent for museums educational institutions, archives and governments across the globe. This project also adds two additional crucia elements, within the realm of ICH safeguarding, while simultaneously ascertaining employment options anc practical skills opportunities for European youth while identifying public-private partnership (PPP) opportunities for investors.



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