
Conference summary


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Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Keble Road,Oxford 0X1 3RH, UK;%1. TIPP09, the first of a new IUPAP-sponsored series, has made a fantastic start and promises that TIPP will be as distinguished a series as Rochester and LPS. The next conference will be hosted in two years time by Fermilab in the Chicago area. 2. The whole area of detectors and accelerators is in rapid and continuous development. There will be lots to report every two years. The scope of TIPP will continue to grow as the imperative to transfer technology to other fields is increasingly recognised. 3. We are approaching a cusp in particle physics. In these turbulent times, we must convince governments and colleagues that particle physics is a subject in which it is worth investing. We have an excellent story. With the courage and imagination of our predecessors, we can succeed.
机译:牛津大学物理系,英国牛津吉宝路0X1 3RH;%1。 TIPP09是IUPAP赞助的新系列中的第一个,取得了一个不错的开端,并保证TIPP将像Rochester和LPS一样成为杰出系列。下次会议将由费米实验室在两年时间内在芝加哥地区举行。 2.探测器和加速器的整个领域正在快速持续发展。每两年会有很多报告。随着人们越来越认识到将技术转移到其他领域的紧迫性,TIPP的范围将继续扩大。 3.我们正在接近粒子物理学的风口浪尖。在当今动荡的时代,我们必须说服各国政府和同事,粒子物理学是值得投资的学科。我们有一个很棒的故事。依靠我们前辈的勇气和想象力,我们可以成功。



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